Insanely Cool Tools

date: 'Thursday, August 1 2024' title: 'Morningscore Review' description: 'Morningscore helps creators monitor and learn to manipulate key site-ranking metrics. Learn what makes it unique from other SEO tools.' image: 'morningscore_hnsjqs' author: 'Amy Blain Mayo' editor: 'Brenda Zhang'

category: 'discover'

Morningscore Review

Written by Amy Blain Mayo • Edited by Brenda Zhang

What Is Morningscore?

Morningscore is a Danish SEO (Search Engine Optimization) software package. Like other SEO tools, Morningscore helps entrepreneurs, businesses, and content creators to increase traffic to their sites by monitoring and teaching users to manipulate key site-ranking metrics.

What Makes Morningscore Unique?

What makes Morningscore different from a lot of SEO software tools is its gamified design. Onboard AI features a simple interface that structures SEO best practice tasks as missions for the user - "the captain" - to complete. As you complete the missions, you learn how to help Morningscore to drive easy and fast improvements to user site traffic.

Morningscore's comprehensive design, intended to provide users with a one-stop shop for their SEO needs, allows users to combine their own knowledge and experience with AI advice and a host of internal tools, making it a powerful contender software package for small businesses, large businesses, entrepreneurs, and everyone in between.

morningscore features and keyword management preview

Morningscore Pros and Cons

Morningscore Pros

  • User-friendly design
  • Engaging gamified internal tools and mechanics
  • Walkthroughs and how-tos that assist in contextualizing and applying SEO principles
  • Measure SEO value in any currency

Morningscore Cons

  • Keyword ranking is not always accurate
  • Some users rate customer support poorly, experiences may vary
  • Users dislike limits on functionality based on subscription tier
  • Bugs appear to be common with some tools

Other Morningscore Reviews

Danish SEO management software Morningscore trades on its user-friendly design, calling itself "The easiest all-in-one SEO tool," and reviews generally hold this up, emphasizing how the software's gamified design "makes it simpler and more fun to do search engine optimization." Morningscore's team describe how they felt existing SEO tools were too clunky and failed to demonstrate their value to stakeholders with less technical expertise - so they decided to create "something way more intuitive without dumbing the reality down."

Software-as-a-service support site gives Morningscore a 4.8, quoting user reviews that "I like gamification and clear instructions on what to do to optimize SEO of your website," and "Except for rare bugs that pop up a couple of times, I could think of no other issues I had," with Morningscore rating very highly for ease-of-use and customer support.

Insanely Cool Tip! Wondering how Morningscore users enhance their SEO and marketing workflows? Check out Morningscore customer success stories on their website!

Morningscore Pricing Plans

Morningscore pricing plans come in annual and monthly packages to fit the unique needs of your organization. There are four plans: Lite, Business, Pro, and Premium. With the annual plan, you get 2 months free as the cost is as much as 10 months of the the monthly plan.

Here's a breakdown of the Morningscore monthly plans.

100 keywords500 keywords2000 keywords5000 keywords
3 websites10 websites30 websites100 websites
2 users4 users10 users20 users
morningscore pricing table

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