Insanely Cool Tools

date: 'Monday, August 26 2024' title: 'Hemingway Review' description: 'Hemingway is an AI-powered editing app that reads and suggests edits to your writing in real-time. See what others are saying about the platform.' image: 'hemingway_nbdvqe' author: 'Amy Blain Mayo' editor: 'Brenda Zhang'

category: 'discover'

Hemingway Review

Written by Amy Blain Mayo • Edited by Brenda Zhang

What Is Hemingway?

Hemingway is an AI-powered editing app that reads and suggests edits to your writing in real-time. Quote:

"The app highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors; if you see a yellow sentence, shorten or split it. If you see a red highlight, your sentence is so dense and complicated that your readers will get lost trying to follow its meandering, convoluted logic—try editing this sentence to remove the red highlight.

You can utilize a simpler word instead of a purple one. Click on highlights to fix them.

Adverbs, passive voice, and other weakening phrases are marked in blue. I believe you should replace them with more forceful language."

hemingway example of color-coded grammar corrections

Hemingway Use Cases

Users of all kinds find diverse applications for Hemingway. Writing for PC Mag in November 2023, Gabriela Vatu opines,

"While Hemingway is a writing app, it doesn't compare with the likes of Final Draft or Scrivener, which are apps for storing and organizing your writing, not improving it. Hemingway is more like the writing-improvement app Grammarly. As with Grammarly, you need to be adept at choosing which of Hemingway's suggestions to take and which to ignore. It's a helpful tool if you need specific suggestions for how to improve your writing, and we like that there's a free version, though the paid option gives you a lot more."

Hemingway promises to "simplify and clarify your writing in seconds" by giving you instant suggestions to help eliminate wordiness, weak phrasing, and the passive voice. Its stripped back focus, emphasizing suggestions for editing, allows it to be a kind of second brain for skilled writers, helping them focus their thoughts and even brainstorm.

hemingway feature that rewrites your writing by simplifying and clarifying your sentences

On the Hemingway site, reviewer Ian M. praises the app for its use in clarifying communication:

"I think it can be very helpful in an academic setting to help people cut out the jargony, overly-formal academic-ish language that creeps into some emails/communications."

And reviewer Anna A. likes how Hemingway helps her to tailor writing for her audience:

"It helps make sure that my end reader can grasp the concept quickly and easily."

hemingway testimonials

Overall, Hemingway seems to excel in helping skilled writers further hone their work, using features like AI styles to quickly change the tone of a passage, making it friendlier, more confident, or more casual with a click. In addition, the app includes privacy features, promising that they will "never sell your data, let others use it to train an AI, or use it for advertising."

Hemingway Pricing Plans

Hemingway is also available for free, but with some limitations, and only in-browser. Otherwise, Hemingway has three monthly plans ($10/month, $15/month, and $15/month per user) and three corresponding annual plans, with the annual plans at a 17% discount.

hemingway monthly plans

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