Insanely Cool Tools

date: 'Friday, August 28 2024' title: 'DocuGenerate Review' description: 'Simplify the data entry process in industries like HR and healthcare. Generate an organized document of your important data.' image: 'docugenerate_x9bqd4' author: 'Joshua Anderson' editor: 'Brenda Zhang'

category: 'discover'

DocuGenerate Review

Written by Joshua Anderson • Edited by Brenda Zhang

What Is DocuGenerate?

We've all run into those issues where we have an abundance of information, but are unsure how to input it all into one simple, neat document. With DocuGenerate, that dilemma has been solved! This tool is already proving incredibly beneficial for those who work in industries such human resources and healthcare.

DocuGenerate simplifies the data entry process by using AI to generate an organized document that includes your important data. Users can create forms such as invoices, contracts, and informative flyers, among many other template choices.

docugenerate invoice generation example with template

How Does DocuGenerate Work?

Once a user has imported their preferred data, they can use DocuGenerate's "merge tags" to indicate where they would like their data to show up in a certain document.

You can configure things such as the document template and colorway to make sure your documents look exactly as desired. Then, easily name and save your documents for later use.

docugenerate document tag verification

If you need to return to a document to reference information or make changes, DocuGenerate's archive system makes it easy for you to edit any past projects and perfect your document. Once you finish, the tool's easy-to-understand exporting process makes sharing your document a breeze!

Top DocuGenerate Features

  • "Merge tags" or dynamic placeholders that users can modify to customize their documents
  • The template library helps users create professional documentation visual appeal
  • For those who are more technology inclined, DocuGenerate offers the option to import JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data for their project
  • Integrations with Zapier and Make so you can automate your document generation
  • A public API for code-savvy developers to integrate DocuGenerate with their own applications
docugenerate zapier integration and make integration

Pros and Cons of DocuGenerate

DocuGenerate Pros

  • Includes a Feature Requests section where the community can suggest features and new integrations to the developers (who are very responsive) in an open forum
  • Multiple import file formats, such as Excel, ODS, CSV, or TSV
  • DocuGenerate will inform you of any incorrect merge tags before it generates your document to ensure no AI-induced errors
  • Comprehensive resources like a help center, case studies, and detailed docs to help you get started and understand the tool
docugenerate resources and template library

DocuGenerate Cons

  • Although we like the templates DocuGenerate currently has to offer, we wish they offered more types of creative document generation such as flyers or charts
  • Documentat generation times can be lengthy depending on the template used and amount of imported data

Insanely Cool Tip! There are actually very few cons and instead very many features that people love. If you don't want to take our word for it, read customer reviews and testimonials for DocuGenerate.

DocuGenerate Pricing

Although you'll have to supply sign up credentials, there is a free version for users that are on a budget, but would still love to test out what this tool has to offer. However, this version has a limit of 20 free document generations a month, and does not allow users to generate a batch of documents, only individual pages.

Otherwise, DocuGenerate provides a Plus plan for $19 monthly, Premium plan for $39 monthly, and Business plan for $99 monthly.

docugenerate pricing plans

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